"Call of the Deep"

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81cm x 106.5cm (32” x 42”)


I don’t often paint narrative pieces- i.e. pieces that tell a more obvious story and invite the viewer to ponder the piece as if it were a scene out of a novel. But I felt called to create this one in particular. 

I was inspired by a series written by my amazing lifelong friend, best-selling Indie Author Helen Scheuerer. This piece is dedicated to you Helen, thank you for inspiring me with your dedication to creativity, and the pursuit of your goals. 

In this piece, our diver is lured by the siren song of the deep, stumbling across a magical place, a portal even – is it a stunning underwater cave/grotto, or is there something more mysterious? She hovers, transfixed and caught in the moment of discovery (not unlike a reader encapsulated and entranced, hovering in anticipation for a moment before turning the page of a gripping novel).