Faye Wood is an artist, self-confessed oddball, and occasional provocateur in otherwise polite company.

Her current body of work explores themes of freedom, empowerment, and self-expression; through the dichotomy of confronting (and embracing) society’s white-knuckle grip on social paradigms and norms.

Faye has a condition called Aphantasia, meaning she lost the ability to visualise (conjure voluntary mental imagery) due to Complex Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder. 

Some years ago, during the height of her corporate finance career, Faye began to receive hypnagogic hallucinations of completed paintings. In her words:  “These were especially impactful noting they are the only visual imagery I’m able to experience. An imperative was born to channel these works into being, even as they swiftly slip through the sieve of my conscious (non-imaging) mind, and I am simply left with the knowledge of what I saw, and the feeling that those visions left within me.”

Now a full-time artist, Faye explores themes of the “blind minds-eye” within her work, including concepts of imagination and contextualisation in the absence of visualisation.